Just a list of match making sites I know of in no specific order. Share if you know more.
1. http://www.shaadi.com
Very popular among Desis but because it's for different religions, the profile is not very specific for Muslims.
2. http://www.jeevansaathi.com
Similar to shaadi.com but perhaps less well known.
3. http://www.eharmony.com
This site seems unique because they try to match people based on various factors and answers to questions. It has many Muslims on it apparently.
4. http://www.singlemuslim.com
Specifically for Muslims. Free membership for women. Seems to be a really nice site.
5. http://www.muslimintro.com
Completely free for both genders. Has a simple layout.
6. http://www.isnamatrimonials.net/Matrimonial/
Service provided by ISNA.
7. http://www.muslimwedding.org/
8. http://www.muslimmatrimony.com/
9. http://www.qiran.com/
10. http://www.zawaj.com/
11. http://www.themuslimmatrimonial.co.uk/Muslim-Matrimonial/USA/
12. http://www.imuslimmarriage.com/
New site so membership for all is free.
13. http://www.kamranabegevents.com/
14. http://www.halfourdeen.com/
A site by Baba Ali. Planned launch in 2010 so something to look forward to.
15. http://www.baitulnikah.com/
A site where all the information about a member is posted as a video. Interesting idea. What I disliked about the website is the owner never responded to my queries and that tells me they don't have a good service. But it might appeal to others.
There are a few others which I haven't mentioned because I feel they aren't very good sites either because of poor management or just have a bad reputation. If there are sites or services that you know of that have helped you, do mention them.
8 years ago
there's another new one that should launch later this year:
Awh man! I wanted to start exactly the same blog! lol well at least on similar lines.
You have some very good posts here, I enjoyed reading the few random ones I went through. Neat stuff Mashallah.
y - walaikum as salaam,
Jazakallah khair for that. :D
The Reviver - thanks for dropping by and for the compliments. Glad you enjoyed my posts. :) Feel free to leave a comment.
And yes, please do start a blog on the topic. I think it's really cool to follow other people on their journey to finding their spouse and reading about their experiences and advice on the matter. :)
Thanks a lot. This is very informative post. I am gonna try some of those for sure!
Glad you liked it. :)
Salam wa alaykum!
Yes I too was very excited to find your blog. I think its good to keep the dialogue going about marriage. I am definetly going to be making more visits here. Keep it up sister! I am attmepting something similar although I am in my early stages...it's is about mostly calling out the RAW issues that the Muslim community faces in trying to get married and what happens after the nikah like how to deal with your spouse and lessons Ive learned.
What is really insteresting is not the plethora of websites that are out there but rather the different styles and the claims to be "halal." I do not know if you have done a post on that but that would interesting. Kinda the freedom that some websites give in looking at other matches. I remember when I looked at the whole online muslim matrimonial thing I was shocked how some sites arranged profiles compared to others (they seemed more vain and caught up on looks)...what do you think?
Walaikum as salaam,
Jazakillah khair for visiting! I'm happy to hear there are more people sharing their journey and blogging about marriage and getting married. Your blog does look interesting. Will be making a comment soon, inshallah. :)
It's very true what you've stated about the websites. Some are definitely better than others. And thanks for the suggestion. I'm already done with a post about how to pick a matri site. I haven't mentioned any websites that I don't trust by name because if I doubt a site, I try to avoid it. In the list, I've tried to avoid links to sites which I am not too comfortable with or seem to be dating sites more than anything else. And sites which focus on attracting people just based on looks are something one should try to avoid unless that's what they are looking for then it will certainly attracted those kinds of members.
Do read my next post and let me know what you think. :)
What up with these older man. I have joined this new webstite recently called qiran.com. I am in my mid 20's living in the U.S. and all these (38-55 old) men are contacting me from outside the U.S. It's so annnoying and it disgusts me.
Anon - u make me lol. Try specifying the age you want and try blocking the men you are not interested in communicating. Unfortunately there isn't anything you can do to stop them from communicating besides that. Although, shaadi.com seems to have a feature where you can filter people.
another one is salaamhearts.com
I found it on Imam Zaid Shakir's website:
MashaAllah, it seems like a nice site. Jazakallah khair for sharing. :D
Single muslim to find marriage in any western country is difficult. Personally my self as a young muslim have struggled.... even with my handsome looks ;) I think people have resulted to trying different techniques to come across other muslims. There are social groups and I even tried online marriage websites... last one i tired was free shaadi which was okay. Nice thing about islam as well is you do have family introductions which a few of my friends have benefited from. Who knows what the future holds. Allah kareem.
Salaam, I have been using Muslim Matrimonial sites for some time now with some luck, but no marriage:(
I recently came across a post on chillyoislamyo.com that seemed interesting:
salam alykum,
have you tried this muslim marriage site .Muslimsmingle.com is very good in my opinion.
as salaamualaikum,
There is also www.smatch.net, they deal directly with the mahram and/or wali of the woman, and there are no pictures of uncovered brothers and sisters on the site.
Mohammed - inshaAllah, it'll happen when Allah(swt) wills. Just keep making dua and effort towards your goal.
Anon - I don't like the word dating in their main page. If one choose to go through such sites then you can't expect much from the kind of people you'll meet. As in, they may not be practicing.
Ummu Katheer - do you mean there are no pictures available? Thanks for sharing though. It's good that you need to register to view profiles but there seems to be very few members. Interesting nonetheless. Jazakillah khair for sharing. :)
Assalam Alaikum,
There is a new unique site out there called Muslim Harmony. I know people who are using it and they love it.
There is no searching and they only provide compatible matches. People cant even msg you or see your pics until you allow them. Its really cool...
Hope this helps some of you out there!
the website link is www.muslimharmony.com
As-salamu alaykum. I'm the owner of Zawaj.com Muslim Matrimonials - http://www.zawaj.com - and I just wanted to say thank you for including Zawaj.com on your list. I founded Zawaj.com in 1998, so it's probably the oldest still functioning Muslim matrimonial service. It's also a fantastic resource for information about marriage in Islam.
Some of the others on your list are good as well. In my opinion ISNA's service is too expensive, and Qiran.com has a complicated profile submission process. But singlemusilm.com is nice, and nikah.com is another good one that's not on your list.
You might also be interested in Zawaj.com's answer service, which answers questions about marriage and family issues. We answer one or two questions every day. The URL is http://www.IslamicAnswers.com
Yep - I have also heard of a couple specifically for Shia Muslims.
Yes agreed there is the new one Simply Shia which is reviewed on another blog.
But also there is SMAS which is a totally different concept
i shall also check all those sites to find the good one.
I found my ideal partner through SingleMuslim.com. May they be praised for helping the Ummah!
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