Pretty much anyone who has been spouse hunting has either rejected someone or has faced rejection themselves. I'm no different. But everyone seems to have their own way of dealing with rejection. For me, sure it feels bad at first but then you move on. But I also feel sad when I have to reject someone. I always try to be nice when doing it but sometimes that itself backfires.

Overall, I think I've come across 3 different reactions to the guys I've rejected.
1. The mature guys - mashaAllah, I feel the worst rejecting them because you know a person is decent if you reject them and they politely wish you luck in your search. Makes me think I should reject every guy I like (by which I mean I think he's a good Muslim) at least once just to see their reaction. ;) Oops, secret's out, can't try that.
2. The guys who don't understand "no" - no matter how polite you are or how direct you are or even if you write an essay about why you rejected them they don't get the picture. They persist. I guess they might be filmy or truly believe that persistence is the key to success. It's worse when they start to stalk you online. Add you to their facebook or keep sending you "islamic" forwards on your email. The kind that tell you to pass it to all your friends or Allah (swt) will be very displeased. Sigh. Most times, it's better to ignore them no matter what they send/write and eventually they give up. Blocking always comes in handy.
3. The "have to have the last word" guys - usually, they just like to say some random comment before they leave. Other times, it's just plain rude comments under the cloak of Islam. But if you respond back to clarify, they will not leave until it's they, who have had the last word. My suggestion for anyone who comes across these people, just get out of that conversation even if it means letting them have the last word. There's a hadith to support this as well. I believe it's along the lines of - the better Muslim is he who remains silent & refrains from arguing even though he is in the right. Do correct me if I'm mistaken.
InshaAllah, the brothers don't take offense. I've obviously only been talking to brothers in the context of marriage. Perhaps sisters can be placed in similar categories?
In searching for a pic on rejection, I also found a funny sentence in an article. :P

Do share your comments on your experiences & advice on the best way to reject someone. :)